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Members With Birthdays
in the Month of January


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Volunteers Needed

An Association of this magnitude cannot be successfully run by one or even a few individuals. It takes the collaboration of several family members to make it worthwhile. If you wish to volunteer to help the Reynolds Family Association, then please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Volunteers are needed for the following activities:

Publicizing and promoting the Reynolds Family Association
People are needed to publicize and promote the RFA. The means of doing this include those in the following list. Any other ideas you have will be welcomed.

Family research and record gathering
Organizing, overseeing, conducting, and computerizing family research and record gathering.

Organizing and running future Reynolds Family Association Annual Reunions
Help is needed with organizing and running all RFA gatherings. No one will be expected to do the entire event by themselves, but someone needs to do most of the planning and organizing (with the help of the officers of the Association), and others need to help with specific tasks.
Help is also needed for staffing the booth of the RFA at any genealogical conferences with which the association will be involved.

Being a Line Coordinator for a family group or part of a family group
We want to eventually have a Line Coordinator for every family group, including every immigrant ancestor to America. If your family group is so large that you don't want to be responsible for the entire group, consider taking just a part of the family group. Activities that should be part of this program could include:

Nominating yourself or others to be officers of the Association
It is important to the success of this Association that the members participate as volunteers and as officers. Don't hesitate to nominate yourself or others for any activity or position where you think you or they might be helpful

Typing and entering data into a computer program
Members are needed to do some data entry into computer program, such as Family Tree Maker. We would like to get our different family histories into a searchable data base for easy access by all members.

I am interested in volunteering for the following:

   Publicizing and Promoting the Reynolds Family Association
   Family Research and Record Gathering
   Organizing and Running a Family Reunion
  Being a Coordinator for a Family Line or Part of a Family Line
   Typing and Data Entry Into a Computer Program

Comments or other positions you are interested in.