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RFA History

The Reynolds Family Association (RFA) was organized 23 Aug 1892 by some of the descendants of one of the early Connecticut families. In 1977 it was reorganized and incorporated; the RFA currently maintains a membership of about 200 members per year. Membership is open to all individuals who are interested in any Reynolds family. The name Reynolds was (and is) spelled in a variety of ways, including Raynolds, Rennels, Runnels, Reynoldson, MacReynolds, McReynolds and many, many others, all of which are included in RFA.

RFA, not affiliated with any other Reynolds family group, is not a genealogical society and is not a commercial research enterprise. It is just a group of people wanting the bond of belonging to one of the Reynolds families and wishing to maintain their histories for future generations. RFA functions and endures on the volunteer time and commitment of individual members.

RFA has as its official purpose:

The RFA newsletter, RFA Dispatch, the RFA Archives (files), the RFA Web site, and annual reunions are the vehicles used to fulfill RFA's official purpose.

RFA NEWSLETTER: RFA Dispatch is the primary vehicle for dissemination of Reynolds family information. It is through the Dispatch that we get to know each other, past, present, and future, on a regular basis. Available to members only. The RFA Dispatch is an electronic newsletter that is published quarterly.

RFA ARCHIVES: RFA, a membership corporation, does not search its files for, or provide information to, non-members. When new information relevant to members' families becomes available it is published in the RFA Dispatch, on the web site, or the member is put in contact with another member who may be helpful. This service is included in the annual membership fee. Although the files are being entered into computers, members cannot access the files themselves at this time. We are working on getting all files on our "Members Only" web site.

OTHER RFA PUBLICATIONS: The intent of the RFA organizers was to publish a complete volume covering all known branches of the Reynolds families and, hopefully, tying all these families together. All the compiled notes and papers were retained by the members, but became the basis for the genealogies published by the RFA in the 1920s, when Marion H. Reynolds published two books on Robert of Boston, one on John of Watertown, and one on John of Norwich CT.

In the 1920s the decision was made to begin using "Annuals" as a vehicle for continuing the publication of family records. Again, most of the genealogical notes and papers were retained by the members who compiled them, but became the substance of the RFA Annuals which were published over the years, though not annually. Publication was discontinued in 1937.

In 1993 RFA published The RFA Centennial Collection, which includes much of the archival genealogical material, corrected and/or updated, except for that contained in the 1982 Annual. Additionally, the Centennial Collection contains much new information. The RFA Centennial Collection is hardbound, indexed, and contains 811 pages. These books and Annuals are now available on our "Members Only" web site.

RFA REUNIONS/ANNUAL MEETINGS: Annual RFA Reunions, a day or more of getting to know Reynolds "cousins", sharing family information, and participating in RFA business nurture the familial relationship of RFA members. These meetings are held throughout the U.S., in cities that provide major genealogical research centers.