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Members With Birthdays
in the Month of January


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Join the Reynolds Family Association

Complete the following form to get started with your application.

If you are an Active Duty Military Member click here.

Personal Information

Additional Information

Please take a moment to answer the following:

Are you a computer user?                Yes     No     PC User     Apple User

Do you have internet access?          Yes     No

High Speed Internet Connection?     Yes     No     DSL     Cable     Web TV

Are you a former member of the RFA?             Yes    No

What Genealogy Software Program do you use?

I am interested in assisting with the following:

Who is Your Earliest Known Reynolds Ancestor?

How did you hear about the RFA?

Are you a member of the Reynolds Project YDNA? If so What Marker are you tested at?

Other Genealogy Societies you belong to.

  Please check if you are a returning member to the RFA