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Lost & Found

This is a place where we can list any document, picture, or other information that has been located and needs to go to the rightful family!

Please see attached pictures as well as lineage info from James/Deborah researcher Don Reynolds:

I have some information that might be of interest to the descendants of James and Deborah of Rhode Island (RFA Line 14).

I was contacted by a "Susan Reed", who lives in Montreal, Quebec. She inherited several professional quality photos of a woman named "Stella Mabel Fizzell" who was married to "Charles Pennock Reynolds" (b: 1897 – d: 1970).

Charles appears to be a descendant of James and Deborah. I have Charles in my family tree at where he’s shown to be my 8th Cousin 2X removed.

His direct lineage appears to go like this:

James & Deborah Reynolds
 Francis and Elizabeth (Greene) Reynolds
  Peter and Sarah (Knapp) Reynolds
   John and Ann (Utter) Reynolds
    Daniel Reynolds and Waite Reynolds (Waite is the 2nd Gr Grand Daughter of James and
    Deborah through John, James, Francis, James)
     Amos and Laura Mary (Kellog) Reynolds
      John Milton and Catherine (Tobias) Reynolds
       Jessee Tobias and Martha Cornelia (Hunt)
        Charles Norman and Ada Louise (Pennock) Reynolds
         Charles Pennock and Stella Mabel (Fizzell) Reynolds

Susan is offering to give the photos to a relative that may be interested in having them. Susan can scan them if there’s any interest in seeing them before sending them. I’ve cc’d Susan on this email to add/correct me on anything.

I was wondering if there might be a descendant or relative that’s closer to Charles than I am that might want them.

If you are a descendant and interested in these photo's please contact Don Reynolds

Stella in Colour Stella Fizell Stella and Frank
Click on an image to enlarge

I received the following:
My name is Jesse Kirkendall, and some time ago i came into possession of four letters (three of which came with their original envelopes) written by a Mr. John D. Reynolds to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Reynolds, who i assume to be his parents. All letters are post addressed to Davisville, RI and the states they were sent from are Wisconsin and Illinois. The years on the letters range from 1856-1865. Instead of selling these letters to a collector or somebody else, i would like them to go to someone who would appreciate them, and that they have historical significance to, and in searching for someone who i could pass these letters over to, i found your name as president on the RFA website. If either of the John Reynolds are related to you in some way, and you would like to have these letters for your historical records, i would be more than happy to pass them on to you, free of charge of course.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Jesse Kirkendall

I have scanned the letters and they can be viewed by clicking on one of the links below.
Letter 1             Letter 2             Letter 3             Letter 4

If you are related to this Reynolds Family, Please let me know.