2025 RFA Queries
Please take a few minutes to look at these queries that have been posted by our cousins. If you can be of any help in answering these queries then please contact the person posting the query. As a member of the Reynolds Family Association you can also Post a query to this board.
DATE: Saturday, March 22, 2025 5:31 PM
NAME: Jessica Reynolds
E-MAIL: jessica100506@gmail.com
Looking for information on William (1805-?)and Caroline Distin Reynolds(1810-?) of Augusta, Oneida County, New York. They had a daughter Mary Elizabeth Reynolds (1828-1913) and a grandson, Curtis Wellington Reynolds (1844-1919). Thanks!
DATE: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 6:15 PM
NAME: Joseph Lorek
E-MAIL: jalorek@gmail.com
ADDRESS: 2254 SW Wall St, Blue Springs, MO 64015
I would like to trace this line back to when it came to America. Thus far, I have only been able to take the line as follows:
Effie REYNOLDS (b. ~1874 Cambiidge, VT)
Dana Silas REYNOLDS (. 1848 Caambridge, VT) David REYOLDS (b. 3/5/1811 Cammbridge, VT) to possibly John REYNOLDS (b. 1780 Waldo, ME)
I would like to take this line to its American roots. Thank you!
DATE: Wednesday, January 1, 2025 6:17 AM
NAME: Larry Joe Reynolds
E-MAIL: Joe.Reynolds@larryjoereynolds.com
ADDRESS: 5518 Jeff Davis Drive, Alexandria, LA 71302-2336
I continue to search for the parents of William Reynolds (RFA Line 037) who married Jane Milliken on August 23, 1790 in what is now Greene County, Tennessee. We have located a brother, Henry Reynolds, c1778-1849. He appeared in KY shortly after it became a state, and the first official record we were sure belonged to him was his marriage to Nancy Sallee in 1808. William died in Bedford County, Tennessee. Most of his children moved to Jackson County, Alabama from there and then spread out.
I'm hoping that one of my many cousins who share yDNA with me, and knows more about it than I do, to help me extend my search and locate the parents of William.