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in the Month of January


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Welcome to the Reynolds Family Association!

President Tommy Joe ReynoldsWelcome to the Reynolds Family Association web site! We hope to provide you and the world with the best collection of news and research results relating to this great family. We hope you will find new insights and appreciate the Association's work of bringing together our cousins. We are and hope to be a diverse surname-based group, including people with all variant spellings of the name and all national, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

After a few years of being somewhat dormant the Reynolds Family Association is back in full active status. We once again have a newsletter, The RFA Dispatch, which is being published each and every quarter, our membership level is reaching the 200 level, we held our first annual reunion in five years on September 16th, 2013, and we now have a State-of-the-Art Web Site.

While our web site offers a wealth of information to our visitors, our "Members Only" section offers a virtual "Gold Mine", over 100 years of research including: Every edition of the Reynolds Recollections newsletter, over 25 years' worth; Every copy of the RFA Annual Reports, from 1899 through 1937, plus the special 1982 edition; Dozens of Family Histories submitted by our members with more being added each week.

The Reynolds Family Association is also staying up to date with its own RFA Mailing List, RFA Blog, Facebook Connection, Twitter Connection, as well as Live On-line Chat. The only thing missing is YOU! Of course you can help us make this web resource more useful. Send your suggestions and comments to the webmaster's address at the bottom of the page.

Thank you!

Tommy Joe Reynolds
RFA President